A snippet of NPC history: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was a club regular

"Margaret Thatcher: The inimitable Margaret Thatcher has been a regular speaker at the National Press Club for four decades. She first addressed a luncheon in 1975 after being elected leader of Britain's Conservative Party. She then spoke twice while serving as prime minister during the 1980s and twice in the 1990s after leaving that post and being granted a peerage as Lady Thatcher. It happened at the National Press Club--where news is made in the nation's capital."

Listen to one of Thatcher's speeches here.

This snippet was one of many put together by the late Art Wiese, who served as president in 1979. He was responsible for planning much of the reconstruction of the club during its renovation in the early 1980s. In his later years, he put together a series of snippets on the Club's history. In honor of his passing this year, the Wire will run one of them each week.