Sold out Spring Hoot featuring Mark Russell at NPC on Tuesday, May 3, 6:30 p.m.

The Spring Hoot of the National Press Club's Silver Owls will feature Mark Russell, the often zany but always witty humorist and political satirist. The event is on Tuesday, May 3, at 6:30 p.m.

The Hoot, which is open to all Press Club members and guests, begins with a cash bar cocktail reception starting at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7:30. The cost is $35 per person. The event is sold out, but to check for last-minute ticket availability please call the Club's reservation department at 202-662-7501, email [email protected] or click here.

Given the state of the current presidential campaign --both Democratic and Republican-- Russell will have ample comedic material to draw upon.

Russell, now 83, has been entertaining local and national audiences for as long as most of us can remember. He was a regular performer at Washington's Shoreham Hotel beginning in the 1960s. For nearly 30 years, Russell delighted PBS television audiences in specials that aired at least four times a year. And he was a special annual attraction on NBC's "Meet the Press" program hosted by the late Tim Russert.

In addition to Russell's performance, the Hoot plans to recognize new Platinum, Gold, and Silver Owls, those who have been Press Club members for 60, 50, and 25 years.