South Africa: You heard about it, now see it with NPC

Many National Press Club members and friends attended a special program on Nelson Mandela and to hear stories about him and his country. Now they have a chance to visit South Africa and see places where Mandela spent most of his life.

The NPC is conducting a trip to South Africa May 12-24, 2013, which also includes Victoria Falls and Botswana.

In South Africa, the trip begins with four nights in Cape Town and includes a visit to Robben Island, where Mandela was imprisoned for many years, and several other sites around Cape Town and Johannesburg. A visit to the Sabi Sabi Game Reserve in Kruger National Park will be followed by a trip to Victoria Falls, Zambia, and then to the Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana.

Cape Town, known as the Mother City of Africa, is a rare cultural gem, resulting from the amalgamation of Indonesian, French, Dutch, British and German settlers, the local Bushman and Hottentot tribes, and the Bantu tribes from the North. The impressive presence of Table Mountain, flanked by legendary Devil's Peak and historical Signal Hill, stand proudly above the city. Beautiful white sandy beaches frame the Cape Peninsula, which is famed for its unique floral kingdom, bountiful rivers and magnificent countryside. A cable-way trip up Table Mountain provides a spectacular view of the entire area. A full-day Winelands tour provides an opportunity to visit -- and taste -- the fruit of the vine and the regional cuisine.

In Kruger Park, travelers will be staying in the all-suite Selati Camp, furnished with an historic railway theme and 19th century charm. The luxury thatched suites, each with full bathroom en-suite and private alfresco shower, blend perfectly into the surrounding bush. Home-cooked cuisine is served on decks built over the river-bed in the open air "boma" or in the "farmhouse kitchen."

Multiple game drives will be available in Sabi Sabi which will provide the unique experience of close encounters with animals who have become habituated to safari vehicles after more than half of century of "no hunting" in the area. Safaris take place each morning and evening in open Land Rovers.

Next stop is Zambia and Victoria Falls, one of the great sites in the world, with optional elephant-back riding, visits to African villages, bungee jumping, and jet boating for the more adventurous. The trip moves on to Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana with additional safari activities available. The elephant population, estimated to be 30,000, is the largest single concentration in Africa.

The entire trip includes 11 nights accommodations, breakfast daily, all meals in the two game parks, internal flights, transfer and most tours.

The trip price is $5,445.00 per person, double occupancy, $665.00 single room supplement. International air fare is not included and is priced at about $2,400 per person.

To sign up, or for additional information, contact Richard Meyer, 703-356-6884, [email protected].