Speakers Committee taking applications for membership

The National Press Club Speakers Committee is seeking applications from members who think they can help bring top-name luncheon speakers to the Club.

The Speakers Committee is the one invitation-only committee at the National Press Club. Every year the incoming president appoints new members to the Committee, and this year, President-elect John Hughes decided to do a formal application process.

All NPC members are eligible to apply. If you are interested in joining the committee, please send an email to Speakers Committee Chairman Jerry Zremski at [email protected] with the words SPEAKERS COMMITTEE APPLICATION in the subject line. In the email, please answer the following questions:

-- Why do you want to join the Speakers Committee?
-- What is your relevant experience as a volunteer with the Club or any other organization?
-- What is your relevant work experience?
-- What is your current job? (Of course, freelancers and retirees will also be considered.)
-- Who are the top three speakers you would like to bring to the National Press Club?

Deadline for applications is 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 12. Applicants will be notified of the results of the application process later that week.