Staying creative in a tight photo market, noon May 25

Jim Lo Scalzo, a veteran professional photojournalist, will discuss ways to stay creative in an increasingly competitive photo market at a lunch meeting of the National Press Club Photography Committee at noon Wednesday, May 25, in the McClendon Room.

Lo Scalzo will highlight the need for "visual reporters" -- photojournalists who research and report their own stories, unlike those who strictly take photos.

All Club members and their guests are welcome. No reservations are required; however, seating is limited.

Lo Scalzo says that many veteran photographers are now producing their own photo essays and multimedia productions to distinguish themselves from the masses. Lo Scalzo will show some of his work and that of other photojournalists, as he discusses the need to adapt to an ever-saturated photo job market.

Lo Scalzo shot for 16 years for U.S. News & World Report, and he recently joined the European PressPhoto Agency. He has had assignments in more than 60 countries and has won numerous awards in the Pictures of the Year International and White House News Photographers Association photo competitions.

Lo Scalzo's memoir, "Evidence of My Existence," was published in 2007 by Ohio University Press. It includes a wide variety of photos from the Antarctic Peninsula to the battlefield of Iraq.

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