Support journalism and press freedom: Donate to NPC Journalism Institute’s year-end campaign

The National Press Club Journalism Institute has kicked off its end-of-year fundraising campaign that supports its press freedom and educational programming efforts. The Institute is close to its 2022 fundraising goal.

Journalists have provided essential information and added important context to the conversations that are guiding our communities. As journalists’ professional needs continue to evolve in 2022, the Institute has answered by: 

  • Producing free virtual professional development programs on topics including writing and editing, diversity, and inclusion, covering the midterms and misinformation, and more.  
  • Pressing to remove barriers to press freedom and providing direct support for journalists who are unjustly targeted for their work.
  • Publishing a daily industry-focused newsletter that provides top headlines, craft tips, leadership advice and resources. 
  • Facilitating a nonfiction writing group and community conversations about the industry. 

These initiatives are just a few highlights of the Institute’s efforts to connect Club members and the public to tools, training and networks that help journalists better serve their communities and democracy.

Any donation you give this year will help the Institute strengthen journalism in the public interest. You can make your tax-deductible donation using this link, or:

-- Mail a check made out to National Press Club Journalism Institute and send to: Beth Francesco, c/o National Press Club Journalism Institute, 529 14th St. NW, 13th floor, Washington, DC 20045

-- Give from your donor-advised fund. Talk to your financial planner today to direct funds to the Journalism Institute, or use this tool to direct your gift now. 

-- Give stock or other securities. You may choose to gift highly appreciated securities, which can bypass or defer capital gains. 

-- Boost your impact through employer gift matching. Check with your HR department to see if your employer matches donations, or use this tool to find out.

-- Shop with an Amazon Smile account. When you shop at, Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases-. Simply log in to your account and select the National Press Club Journalism Institute as your organization of choice. 

-- Create a Facebook fundraiser. When you start a nonprofit fundraiser on Facebook, 100% of the funds you raise go to the nonprofit. Follow these instructions to get started.

The Institute team is grateful for your ongoing support of its important work powering journalism in the public interest. For more information about the Institute, email interim executive director Beth Francesco