Tacos Flavored with Photo Advice

The McClendon Room became an informal photography classroom during the NPC Photography Committee’s first Photos & Tacos night on April 23.

The Club’s experienced member photographers answered individual questions. This ensured that no one would be uneasy about asking “simple" questions as they might have been in a traditional question-and-answer setting.

It also enabled the photographers to tailor answers to individual members. For instance, while those at one table were talking about how to use a simple point-and-shoot camera, those at an adjoining table were discussing the advantages of different formats used for digital images.

Michael Foley, a Club volunteer event photographer, taught another member how to use his simple camera to shoot photos for freelance stories. Noel St. John, the Club’s photo coordinator, answered another member’s detailed questions about photographing speakers at Club events.

During his discussion, Foley offered some advice for any journalist who needs to shoot photos for stories: “The best camera is the one that you have with you,” such as his Canon G 11, which fits into a pocket. While an experienced photographer will get better photos with a professional camera, those are heavy and targets for theft. Foley takes his professional camera for photo shoots; he takes his small camera everywhere.

In addition to member photographers, Pete Howe from Penn Camera was there to answer questions about particular cameras.

Darlene Shields, the NPC Photography Committee chairwoman, said approximately 25 members and their guests dropped by, with most staying an hour or more.

“As I looked around the room during the evening, I saw that both those members giving photo advice and those receiving it were having a good time while learning more about photography,” Shields said. “Combining an informal photo question-and-answer session with the Club’s regular taco night produced a relaxed and informative evening, which was our goal,” she said.