Take the 5K P90X Team Challenge July 17

Help support our Eric Friedheim National Journalism Library by taking Tony Horton’s P90X Team Challenge for the Club’s annual “Beat the Deadline 5K” Saturday, July 17.

The first 10 people to pre-register online and make a $100 donation to EFNJL will compete as part of Tony Horton’s P90X / Beachbody team. After the race, the select 10 runners (or walkers) will meet with the celebrity fitness trainer for team photos and receive a special gift bag.

Only 10 spots are available for this offer, so register early for Tony’s P90X Team challenge at www.press.org/5k .

Also, don’t forget to reserve your ticket for Tony Horton’s special Speakers Luncheon and P90X Boot Camp workout on Friday, July 16. Reserve at [email protected] .

The Library is the chariable arm of the Club and provides training programs, scholarships and journalism awards.