Tickets available for Oct. 28 dinner honoring Jim Lehrer

Tickets are on sale for National Press Club members only for the Oct. 28 Fourth Estate Award dinner honoring Jim Lehrer, longtime host of the PBS NewsHour.

Ticket prices are $125 for Club members. Every member can buy one guest ticket at the member price. Reserve at [email protected] or (202) 662-7501.

Tickets for non-members, at $195 each, will not be sold until later.

Lehrer has set a standard for broadcast excellence at PBS for more than 35 years. He is also well known for moderating 11 debates over the course of the past six presidential elections.

He will be the 39th recipient of the National Press Club award for career achievement. Previous award winners include Bob Schieffer, Walter Cronkite, Christiane Amanpour and David Broder.

A portion of the ticket price is tax deductible. The dinner is a fundraiser for the Eric Friedheim National Journalism Library, the Club's 501(c)(3) organization.