Tickets Available for Schieffer Dinner Oct. 15

It’s not too late to sign up for the Fourth Estate Award dinner honoring CBS anchor Bob Schieffer on Oct. 15. Other famous names will share the podium – Sen. Lindsey Graham and former Sen. Sam Nunn will serve as the bipartisan “roasting committee.”

Club President Alan Bjerga said “The bipartisan nature of the roast makes it unique. Don’t miss this opportunity to see Schieffer 'face the nation' on Oct. 15.”

Member ticket prices are $125, and every member can buy one guest ticket at the member price. Non-member tickets are $175 each. Members can reserve at [email protected]
or (202) 662-7501.

The dinner is a fundraiser for the Eric Friedheim National Journalism Library, the Club's 501 (c) (3) organization, which puts together its journalism training programs. A portion of the ticket price will be tax deductible.

-- Pat McMurray, [email protected]