Toastmasters meeting tonight, at 7 p.m. in NPC's McClendon Room

Are you trying to develop your personal brand? Aspire to a TED talk? Or just want to improve your public persona? Then join us at our semi-monthly Toastmasters meetings.

The NPC’s Toastmasters club consists of many seasoned professionals who continue to find value in practicing in this safe and friendly environment. The next gathering is on Monday, Jan. 23, at 7 pm in the National Press Club's McClendon Room. No advance registration needed, and there is no fee.

Current Toastmasters Club President Melonie McCall has been a Press Club member for more than a decade. She joined with the goal of improving her “oral communications skills. Specifically, I wanted to be able to make more cogent impromptu comments at meetings,” she said.

McCall keeps coming because “I believe in the old adage that practice makes perfect! [Toastmasters] provides a safe place to practice and to try new things, especially when you get into the advanced manuals such as storytelling," she said.

Toastmasters International has been building speakers and leaders for more than 100 years. Come see what it’s all about. We meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m.