Today at 2 p.m.: Documentary filmmaker Jesse Dylan and Washington Post reporter Paul Farhi on "Soros" documentary

George Soros documentary

Members of the National Press Club have free access to the documentary “Soros” in advance of Friday’s discussion with the film’s director Jesse Dylan.

The film, which explores the background and philanthropic efforts of billionaire and activist George Soros, features one-on-one interviews with Soros, his family, and global figures including former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

Members can register here to receive a link to watch the documentary free-of-charge in advance of the event. Non-members are encouraged to access the film at

Dylan and Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi will join NPC President Lisa Nicole Matthews Friday, April 16 at 2 p.m., to discuss the film and its subject. Dylan is the director of the “Yes We Can” video on behalf of Barack Obama and is the son of Nobel laureate Bob Dylan.

To submit a question for the panel, email [email protected] with the subject line Soros.