Tonight: Author, activist Andy Parker to describe 'son-of-a-bitching my way through life'

Andy Parker, author of “For Alison: The Murder of a Young Journalist and her Father’s Fight for Gun Safety”, will speak about “Son-of-a-Bitching My Way Through Life” at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10, at National Press Club. 

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When his daughter was killed on live television, Parker vowed to do whatever it takes and turned his anger and lifelong quick temper into outspoken activism and action.
From branding the NRA a terrorist organization to publicly calling out legislators for their cowardice, to testifying before Congress about what he called Google’s sociopathic behavior, Parker is willing to say what others only think.
Tickets, which are free for Club members and $5 for the general public, can be purchased online
“I’m a SOB. It’s not easy, but somebody has to do it,” he said.
Employing a mixture of hope, humor, and dogged persistence, he provides a life lesson in how to get off the sidelines and into the game.
Parker's talk with be "TED-esque" followed by an audience question-and-answer session. Copies of “For Alison” will also be available for purchase and signing.
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Parker has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, and international outlets and has been a contributor to the Huffington Post, Newsweek, Washington Post, USA Today, and New York Daily News. He is a proud member of the NPC and has been recently appointed to the Fallen Journalist Memorial Advisory Board.