Tonight: Club member Michael Curley writes global thriller, plans Book Rap

Calypso art

Michael Curley plans to appear at the National Press Club at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20, in the Cosgrove Lounge to discuss his new novel, The Calypso Virus.

This Book Rap will include a discussion with the author, questions from the audience and then a signing session. It is presented by the Club's Book & Author Group.

Attendees are encouraged to buy drinks and dinner from the Reliable Source. Reservations are necessary by emailing Heather Forsgren Weaver at [email protected].

 The Calypso Virus is about a billionaire terrorist – and others – who are targeting the U.S. Navy. The heroine is a 30-year old British finance whiz and Asia expert who averts war between the United States and North Korea. Three other women also play critical roles in the effort.

Curley, a member of the Book & Author Group, is a lawyer and a visiting scholar at the Environmental Law Institute in Washington. He writes books about environmental law and finance and has taught at Johns Hopkins University, George Washington University and the Vermont Law School.

In 2018-19, he provided environmental commentary on Maryland's public radio station, WYPR. He has worked in 40 countries and has built clean water and basic sanitation systems in Kazakhstan, Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador. And when he's not doing that, he's writing novels and short stories.

 The Book & Author Group meets the second Tuesday of each month to primarily help members get Club recognition for their publications. To find out more information about the group or to join, please email Joe Motheral at [email protected].