Tonight: Virtual Pub Quiz is back online

Due to continuing concerns over COVID, and that these rainy Dog Days of Summer are best appreciated in the comfort of one's home, the National Press Club Pub Quiz is returning to its virtual format online via Zoom this Thursday, Aug. 19, at 7 p.m.

Normally, Pub Quiz is off for August; but these are not normal times, and we can all use an evening of merriment and trivia.

Registration is easy. Gather your friends, form a team, designate your team captain, and then register here. If you have a team, make sure everyone registers via the Eventbrite link and come up with a clever team name. Don’t have a team? Don’t worry. Simply register yourself and the Club will team you up with other players.

Pub Quiz logo

And non-resident members take note: Virtual Pub Quiz is a great opportunity to connect with your Press Club, join your fellow members or make new connections over the ether for an evening of merriment and knowledge in the comfort in your own home.

Pub Quiz is still a great way to meet new people and gather your old friends at the Club, even if you’re playing from your pad. Although we’re still going through rough times, the days continue to better and the spirit of this game is still going on strong. Stay indoors, gather your favorite drinks and dinner and play Virtual Pub Quiz. Questions? Contact me here: [email protected].

See you soon…virtually that is.