Top journalists to assess election during live broadcast Friday from Truman Lounge

Seven prominent journalists will review the 2012 election campaign as guests of Julie Mason, host of the Sirius XM radio program "Press Pool," at her "Politics Straight Up" discussion live from the National Press Club Friday, Nov. 9, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Truman Lounge.

The guest lineup includes: Jackie Kucinich, 2012 campaign reporter for USA Today; Joshua Green, senior national correspondent for Bloomberg Businessweek; Major Garrett, White House reporter for the National Journal; Jennifer Bendery, White House reporter for the Huffington Post; Todd Zwillich, Washington correspondent for "The Takeway" morning radio program; Ken Vogel, chief investigative reporter for POLITICO; and Deborah Charles, Washington correspondent for Reuters.

Sirius XM listeners can tune in to "Politics Straight Up" live on POTUS (Politics of the United States for the People of the United States) Channel 174.

Press Club members and their guests can catch the program live at the Club while enjoying the Friday night free tacos.