Two slots open for Journalist-Member focus group Nov. 20

If you're a Journalist Member of the National Press Club and willing to share your thoughts about the Club, you can earn a $40 Club gift card by joining one of the two remaining open slots in a focus group discussion on Tuesday, Nov. 20
The discussion is the latest in a series of focus group sessions that began last summer as part of a six-month campaign by the Club to learn what its members think of various Club programs and facilities. Findings will enable the Club's leadership and staff to set strategic goals for the next five years.

The Nov. 20 focus group will be conducted at the Club by representatives of an independent firm, so opinions will be confidential and not attributed to specific participants. Food and drink will be provided, and all participants will receive a $40 Club gift card as thanks for their time.

If you're interested in participating, please e-mail [email protected] with your RSVP by Friday, Nov. 16.