Use virtual/augmented reality to tell your story, 8 am Feb. 21

Rachel Henderson, vice president at Warschawski, will discuss the opportunities and challenges communicators face as they use virtual/augmented reality to promote their brands, organizations and clients at a National Press Club Communicators Team breakfast at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21, in the Cosgrove Room.

Henderson is an award-winning virtual reality producer and leads Warschawski’s new VR/AR offering for its clients.

The continental breakfast is free of charge and open to Club members only. Registration is required.

Virtual and augmented reality storytelling, the most immersive communications technology to come along since the movies, has the power to create strong emotional connections that change attitudes, actions and policies.

Brands can no longer ignore its potential to improve customer engagement with products and services or to train employees in new, unique ways. VR and AR programs also can be used to teach about issues, places or people we’re not otherwise exposed to in real life.

Shared experiences in a headset can begin to create common understanding and compassion across cultures.