Veterans advocate hails PACT Act at Legion Post 20 meeting

"Unfortunately, sometimes we have to shame them [members of Congress] into doing what's right," Thomas Porter, vice president for Government Affairs at Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), told National Press Club American Legion Post 20 at its meeting Thursday, Sept. 8.

Porter discussed the relatively new goals of the veterans' advocacy group and traced the tortuous history of its most significant victory: passage on Aug. 2 of the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act. The legislation will greatly expand health care benefits for veterans exposed to toxins during the Vietnam, Gulf War and post 9/11 eras. 


The Department of Veterans' Affairs calls the act as "perhaps the largest health care and benefit expansion in VA history."  Veterans suffering from cancers and other specific ailments will automatically qualify for VA care if exposed to toxins ranging from Agent Orange during the Vietnam War to burn pits in operations in the Middle East.

Porter, a captain in the U.S. Navy Reserve who learned the ropes of congressional procedure working for legislators in Congress, said a coalition of veterans' organizations has been strengthened by working for passage of PACT and fending off unexpected proposals to cut veteran education and health care benefits. 

He noted that their effectiveness has improved in spite of having fewer legislators with military experience and fewer Americans serving in the military.  He cited Sen. John Tester, D-Mont., and House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and non-veterans who have been especially supportive.  He also hailed former late-night TV talk show host Jon Stewart for helping get the $300-billion PACT Act approved.

Photo of former American Legion Post 20 leader Jim Noone receiving a plaque for his service.

IAVA is championing legislation to streamline procedures for visas for translators and other U.S. allies to get them out of Afghanistan.  He estimated that 90% of those promised U.S. protection were left behind in last year's hasty withdrawal.  "That has had a tremendous impact on veterans, especially those who serviced in Afghanistan," he said.

Prior to Porter's talk, Max Lederer, a Post 20 member and publisher of "Stars & Stripes" discussed his organization's evolution toward digital dissemination of news and information and its ever-changing focus, including help for parents educating their children during the pandemic and getting subscribers more information about health care providers.

The Post observed a moment of silence during its meeting when Post treasurer and former AP foreign correspondent Myron Belkind told members of Queen Elizabeth's death.

Mesfin Mekonen is honored by American Legion Post 20.

All National Press Club members are invited to attend the speaker portions of Post meetings.  Newly elected Post Commander Tom Young said its next meeting will be in November.