
Sunshine Week 2018: Dispelling the gathering clouds

March 12, 2018

Sunshine Week celebrates the public’s right to know, but this year it is being marked as forces of darkness continue to gather across the globe. From Latin America to Russia, from the Middle East to the Midwest of the United States, government officials are actively challenging the rights of the…

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William McCarren speaks about Emilio Gutierrez on Democracy Now!

December 29, 2017

Amy Goodman interviews National Press Club Executive Director William McCarren about the case of Emilio Gutierrez, a Mexican journalist currently under threat of deportation despite threats to his life as a result of his reporting. Thanks to Democracy Now! ( for use…

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Emilio Gutierrez News Conference - 12/22/17

December 22, 2017

Mexican journalist Emilio Gutierrez fled to the United States in 2008 after his reporting on abuses by Mexico's military made him and his son the target of death threats. Gutierrez, denied asylum by U.S. courts, voluntarily turned himself in to immigration authorities on Dec. 7. His fate is now in…

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NPC Breakfast: Walter Isaacson & "Leonardo da Vinci"

December 18, 2017

Walter Isaacson, former editor of Time and former CNN chairman, appeared at a National Press Club Headliners Breakfast on Dec. 18, 2017 to discuss his new book, Leonardo da Vinci.

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NPC Book Rap: Donna Brazile & "Hacks"

December 12, 2017

Donna Brazile appeared at a National Press Club Headliners Book Rap on December 12, 2017 to discuss her book, Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House.

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NPC Luncheon with Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue

December 12, 2017

The Honorable Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture, spoke at a National Press Club Headliners Luncheon on December 12, 2017.

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NPC Press Conference: Emilio Gutierrez detained

December 11, 2017

The National Press Club Journalism Institute held a press conference on Monday, Dec. 11 regarding the recent detainment of Mexican journalist and National Press Club Press Freedom award winner Emilio Gutierrez by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials. Visit…

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NPC Newsmaker: California Attorney General Xavier Becerra

December 7, 2017

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has filed roughly two dozen lawsuits challenging the Trump Administration’s efforts to make changes that affect immigrant rights, civil rights, environmental standards and consumer protections. Becerra discussed these legal actions and other issues at a…

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Iraqi Ambassador Fareed Yasseen speaks at The National Press Club

December 6, 2017

His Excellency Ambassador of Iraq to the United States, Fareed Yasseen, spoke at The National Press Club on Nov. 29, 2017 as part of the club's "Ambassador Dinner Q&A Series." NOTE: The Ambassador requested the inclusion of this post-event fact correction: Where he said the surge concepts…

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