
NPC Rewind Special Edition: Information Governance

February 24, 2014

On February 24, 2014, a panel of experts discussed how e-discovery and information governance is impacting today's legal practices. The panelists explained the growing dependence on advanced analytics to probe the rapidly increasing amount of information readily available to the public.

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NPC Luncheon with Congressman Buck McKeon

February 24, 2014

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-Calif.) discussed President Obama's Afghanistan withdrawal plans at a National Press Club luncheon on Feb. 24, 2014. The chairmanship of the House Armed Services Committee, which provides authorization and oversight of the Defense…

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Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz speaks at the National Press Club

February 19, 2014

Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz announced at a Feb. 19, 2014 National Press Club luncheon that the Obama administration will be signing off on a $6.5 billion loan guarantee to help finance the construction of two new nuclear power reactors at the Vogel electric plant in Georgia.

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The Kalb Report with Thomas L. Friedman

February 10, 2014

As the fall-out from Edward Snowden's leak to the media of the U.S. government's massive surveillance programs—including recent court rulings involving the constitutionality of these programs—continues to reverberate around the world, moderator Marvin Kalb and guest Thomas L. Friedman, the three-…

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Rewind Special Edition: Obamacare After the Exchanges

February 3, 2014

On February 3, 2014, a panel of experts on Obamacare discussed the future of health insurance. The panelists also discussed the media's portrayal of Obamacare and why the public should care.

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Rewind Special Edition: Reporting Obamacare with Integrity

January 23, 2014

On January 23, 2014, former Cigna Insurance Communications Chief Wendell Potter discussed his personal experiences working in the insurance industry. He revealed the corruption within these private insurance companies and urged Americans to look past media stereotypes of Obamacare.

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NPC Luncheon with Christine Lagarde

January 15, 2014

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde talked about world's economy at a Jan. 15 National Press Club luncheon in her first press appearance in 2014. Lagarde spoke immediately after returning from a trip to Africa. As the leader of the IMF, Lagarde has a in hand economic…

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Ms. Quote: Why Are Women Missing From the News?

January 13, 2014

What are we missing when our reporting doesn’t adequately include women experts and women subjects? Why should we care and how can we increase women's voices in the news? A panel of experts explores the lack of female sources in news coverage. Panelists include Matt Winkler, editor-in-chief…

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NPC Luncheon with Joseph H. Boardman

January 10, 2014

Amtrak President & CEO Joseph H. Boardman shared his thoughts on passenger rail issues and provide a preview of the year ahead for Amtrak at a National Press Club Luncheon on January 10, 2014.

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NPC Luncheon with General Frank Grass

January 9, 2014

Gen. Frank J. Grass, member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and chief of the National Guard Bureau, addressed issues facing the National Guard at a National Press Club luncheon on January 9, 2014. Grass, who took command Sept. 7, 2012, is responsible for ensuring that the more than 460,000 Army and…

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