
Press Club Rewind - 4.22.2013

April 22, 2013

Press Club Rewind is a weekly review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe defends his plan to eliminate Saturday deliveries; Gabby Giffords' husband Mark Kelly condemns the Senate's failure to pass background checks for gun purchases; two…

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NPC Luncheon with Gil Kerlikowske

April 17, 2013

Gil Kerlikowske, director of National Drug Control Policy and President Obama's top advisor on drug policy, addressed drug policy reform and the Obama administration's response to substance use at a National Press Club luncheon on April 17, 2013.

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NPC Luncheon with Ólafur Grímsson

April 15, 2013

Icelandic President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson announced at a National Press Club Luncheon April 15, 2013 the creation of an international assembly named "Arctic Circle" to alert the world to glacial melting and other climate threats and what can be done about them.

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Press Club Rewind - 4.15.2013

April 15, 2013

Press Club Rewind is a weekly review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: The CEO of the Mayo Clinic urges health care providers to seek cost efficient treatments; Ken Burns discusses his new film, "The Central Park Five;" Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) pushes for readiness…

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NPC Luncheon with John H. Noseworthy, M.D.

April 9, 2013

Dr. John H. Noseworthy, president and chief executive officer of the Mayo Clinic, called for scrapping the current federal reimbursement system for Medicare and Medicaid patients and replacing it with one that rewards health care providers who use the most effective and cost-efficent treatments at…

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Press Club Rewind - 4.8.2013

April 8, 2013

Press Club Rewind is a weekly review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: The National Rifle Association introduces its "School Shield" program; Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) offers his views on gun control at an NPC Newsmaker event; senior Washington Post editors examine the…

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The Kalb Report: American Newspapers In The Digital Age

April 1, 2013

Washington Post Executive Editor Martin Baron and Managing Editor Kevin Merida join Marvin Kalb to discuss how our nation’s great newspapers can win the battle for the soul of journalism in an era of lightning speed, loose standards and massive competition.

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Press Club Rewind - 4.1.2013

April 1, 2013

Press Club Rewind is a weekly review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: BET Founder Robert L. Johnson looks for ways to help unemployed African Americans and other minorities; Akbar Ahmed questions the United States' use of drones in the Mideast to fight terrorism; the…

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NPC Luncheon with Robert L. Johnson

March 26, 2013

Robert L. Johnson, Founder and Chairman of The RLJ Companies, addressed a March 26, 2013 National Press Club luncheon, sharing with attendees his findings from a recent Zogby poll, "Black Opinions in the Age of Obama."

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Press Club Rewind - 3.25.2013

March 25, 2013

Press Club Rewind is a weekly review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: RNC Chair Reince Priebus examines his party's losses in the 2012 elections; UN Foundation chief Kathy Calvin talks about empowering adolescent girls; Syrian opposition leaders outline their path…

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