
Press Club Rewind - 5.7.2012

May 7, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: a new Quinnipiac University poll shows Obama and Romney are neck and neck in two key states; The White House's war on leaks; the club celebrates World Press Freedom Day; Moms unite to put an end…

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NPC Luncheon with Mike Rizzo

May 4, 2012

Washington Nationals General Manager Mike Rizzo offered this tip during a speakers' luncheon on May 4, 2012: Buy your tickets now. Nationals Park, he said, is "going to be the place to be and the ticket to have."

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Freedom of the Press 2012: Breakthroughs and Pushback in the Middle East

May 3, 2012

The National Press Club and Freedom House launched Freedom House’s annual survey of press freedom around the globe on World Press Freedom Day, May 3, 2012. The survey, entitled "Freedom of the Press 2012: Breakthroughs and Pushback in the Middle East," was discussed by panelists from Egypt, Mexico…

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Obama's War on Leaks

May 1, 2012

James Risen of The New York Times, James Bamford, author of "The Puzzle Palace," and Matthew Miller, a former spokesman for the Justice Department discussed the Obama administration's crusade against leaks of government secrets - and against some of the journalists who report them - at the National…

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Press Club Rewind - 4.30.2012

April 30, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: one of Louis Armstrong's final recordings is finally released to the public; an archaeologist reveals how an Egyptian mummy can inform research on cancer; Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar…

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Press Club Rewind - 4.23.2012

April 23, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: Actor-activist Alec Baldwin calls for more federal arts funding and praises D.C.; Bob Deans chastises Republicans for "eviscerating" the environmental protections they once championed; MADD…

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Press Club Rewind - 4.16.2012

April 16, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: MLBPA chief Michael Weiner praises the quality of players - and of play - in Major League Baseball; New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg condemns "shoot first" laws; Pulitzer Prize-winning…

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NPC Luncheon with Alec Baldwin

April 16, 2012

Actor-activist Alec Baldwin, famously candid and notoriously outspoken, was relatively serious and subdued at his National Press Club luncheon appearance April 16, 2012, as he discussed his own cultural growth and stressed the importance of more federal funding for the an arts — even in the current…

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NPC Luncheon with Michael Weiner

April 11, 2012

The historic labor agreement signed in late 2011 by Major League Baseball and its union, the Major League Baseball Players Association, is a model for collective bargaining during a time of economic stress, MLBPA Executive Director Michael Weiner said at a National Press Club luncheon April 11,…

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Press Club Rewind - 4.9.2012

April 9, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: Deepak Chopra calls blaming stress on technology "a copout"; Jim Lehrer argues that the flood of information created by the internet requires curation; foreign policy experts say nuclear…

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