
NPC Luncheon with John Pistole

March 5, 2012

John Pistole, head of the Transportation Security Administration, spoke at a March 5, 2012 National Press Club luncheon event. Pistole delivered a speech entitled "Counterterrorism, Risk-Based Security, and TSA's Vision for the Future of Aviation Security."

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Press Club Rewind - 2.27.2012

February 29, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: Danica Patrick talks about her transition to NASCAR and embracing her differences; The ACLU condemns voter ID laws and proposes alternate solutions to combat voter fraud; The United Arab…

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NPC Luncheon with Danica Patrick

February 21, 2012

Danica Patrick, America's auto racing sweetheart, warned a National Press Club luncheon audience on Feb. 21, 2012 not to "set expectations too high" as she prepares for her first appearance in the Daytona 500 stock car race and debut in NASCAR's top-level Sprint Cup series.

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Press Club Rewind - 2.20.2012

February 20, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: A special NPC panel discusses freedom of expression in the Mideast; Pollsters predict a fighting chance for the GOP in this year's presidential election; Renewable energy receives bipartisan…

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NPC Panel: Repression of Expression in the Mideast

February 14, 2012

The National Press Club's Press Freedom Committee hosted a panel on Feb 14, 2012 to examine the latest Mideast trends on repression of expression. The panel was moderated by Frank Smyth, executive director of Global Journalist Security ( and senior advisor for journalist…

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NPC Newsmaker: America's New Focus on Asia

February 13, 2012

Three scholars on the Asian region from the Center for Strategic and International Studies who discussed a wide range of timely issues including nuclear deterrence, balance of power, climate change and disaster response, with emphasis on China, India and Iran at an NPC Newsmaker event on Feb. 13,…

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Press Club Rewind - 2.13.2012

February 13, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: Attorneys General from Massachusetts and Virginia square off on health care constitutionality; Religion & Ethics discusses Obama's contraception compromise; Ambassador Ron Lauder warns that…

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Press Club Rewind - 2.6.12

February 6, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: DHS head Janet Napolitano ties the economy to national security; BET founder Robert L. Johnson mourns Don Cornelius and pushes for minority job creation; Former Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell…

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Press Club Rewind - 1.30.2012

January 30, 2012

Press Club Rewind is a weekly video review of events at the National Press Club. In this week's edition: Theresa Werner is sworn in as the 105th president of the National Press Club; Herman Cain delivers the Tea Party's response to the State of the Union address; and authors discuss their books on…

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NPC Luncheon: Janet Napolitano

January 30, 2012

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano delivers the second annual 'State of America's Homeland Security' address at a National Press Club Speakers Luncheon, Monday, January 30, 2012.

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