Virtual Book Rap with author of ‘One of the Most Troublesome Robbery Gangs,’ Jan. 13 at 7 p.m.

Jeffery King, a member of the National Press Club, plans to discuss his latest book, One of the Most Troublesome Robbery Gangs, during a Virtual Book Rap sponsored by the Book & Author Group on Wednesday, Jan. 13, at 7 p.m.

Image of the cover of the book 'Robbery Gangs'To register for the event and receive the link to join via Zoom, email Heather Forsgren Weaver at [email protected].

The book tells the story of George McKeever and Francis McNeiley, “two very successful gangsters” in the 1930s in Minnesota during the Great Depression, according to King. The story encompasses their robberies of six banks, and hundreds of other burglaries and killings. McKeever was also a member of the Rienhardt Engel Gang, which King writes was “One of the cleverest and most efficient gangs of bank robbers.” The gang stole cars, robbed stores and banks, and committed innumerable murders including those of policemen, FBI agents, store owners and bankers, according to King.

One of the Most Troublesome Robbery Gangs is King’s third book specializing in Great Depression gangsters. His past books are The Life and Death of Pretty Boy Floyd and The Dillinger Gang.

The Book & Author Group seeks to produce Book Raps for members to promote their recently published books. To inquire about the group, please contact Joe Motheral at [email protected]. The group meets (currently virtually) on the second Tuesday of the month at noon.