VOA White House bureau chief set to speak with Club members at 7 pm on Thursday, March 4

Voice of America (VOA) veteran Steve Herman plans to interact with members of the National Press Club Broadcast/Podcast Team during its meeting on Thursday, March 4, at 7 p.m.

For a link to the meeting, which will last an hour and be presented on Zoom, contact team chair Mark Hamrick at [email protected]. The team and its meetings, usually on the first Thursday of the month, are open to all members of the Club.

Before Herman's current stint in Washington, first as chief diplomatic correspondent and now as White House bureau chief, Herman served as VOA bureau chief in India, Korea and Thailand. He spent more than a quarter century reporting from Asia, including from Japan, where he served five terms as chairman of the Foreign Press in Japan. He served a year at the helm of each of the Seoul Foreign Correspondents' Club and the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan. He is a member of the Club.

Herman says the White House position is his "dream job." His other jobs have included time at radio stations in southern Nevada, and freelancing for CBC, CBS, CNN, NBC, NHK, NPR and PBS before becoming a staff correspondent for VOA.

The advice Herman says he gives to budding correspondents is: “You’ll stumble onto your best stories by serendipity. So always carry around a high-quality discreet camera and have some method to jot accurate notes.”