Want a byline? Wire seeks reporters to cover Club events, write features

Maybe you’re a young journalist looking for a job -- or a better one -- and you need visibility. You want to amass clips, burnish your resume.

Or maybe you’re retired, but sometimes feel the itch to report again. You miss covering stuff.

And you wouldn’t mind seeing your byline again before the world forgets you.

Either way, the National Press Club has the perfect opportunity for you: writing for the Wire.

The Club’s four-days-a-week online member newsletter, whose stories also appear on the Club website for the world to see, needs to increase its staff of volunteer reporters.

Writers are sought to cover the famous National Press Club Luncheons – the Club’s signature events -- as well as the timely Newsmaker press conferences and other Club happenings. We're also seeking feature writers to cover the people who make the Club an outstanding organization.

Wire reporters ideally should have a reporting background and know how to write a straight-news, AP-style story of 500-words-or-fewer. They should be comfortable with writing on deadline, as Luncheon and Newsmaker stories must be filed by early evening in order to be posted on the Club website as breaking news.

Feature articles have more flexible deadlines.There are opportunities, too, to cover occasional night-time events.

No matter how you contribute to the Wire, you’ll be helping the Club and enriching your own Club experience.

If you’re interested, contact Mark Schoeff Jr., co-chair of the Publications Committee, at [email protected]. Send a resume or describe your background, and writing samples will be helpful.