Wanted: Mentors, internship hosts for journalism students

The Fund for American Studies Institute on Political Journalism (IPJ) is seeking working journalists in the Washington, D.C., area to volunteer as mentors to college journalism students attending our summer-internship program.

Mentors are matched with students based on several common factors including professional field, hometown, and alma mater.

The following are the requirements to be a mentor:

  • Commitment to serve as a mentor during the eight week summer program, which runs from June 3 to July 28;

  • Willingness to meet face-to-face with your mentee at least once in June and once in July;

  • Send an introductory email to your mentee prior to their arrival, and stay in touch throughout the program;

  • Be a working professional in the D.C. metro area; and

  • Possess two or more years of full-time professional experience


To sign up simply fill out our short Mentor Program Sign Up Survey by Friday, April 28. Based on your answers, we will match you with a student and connect you with them by email before their arrival in Washington on June 3. We will also organize a "Meet Your Mentor" breakfast during the second week of the program to facilitate a first meeting. This important part of the program provides an introductory meeting for you and your mentee. We also provide suggestions and organize a few activities for you and your student during the remainder of the program.

IPJ is also still in the process of placing students with internships in the D.C. metro area. If you are interested in hosting an intern, being a mentor or have any questions, please contact IPJ Director Joe Starrs at 202-986-0384 or [email protected].