Washington Post Spy Talk Columnist Addresses Young Members, Feb. 15

Washington Post Spy Talk columnist Jeff Stein will join the National Press Club's Young Members group for cocktails and conversation at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15.

A former Army Intelligence officer in Vietnam, Stein has spent years as an investigative reporter, digging into the shadowy world of intelligence, defense and foreign police.

Stein has authored three books, including "Saddam’s Bombmaker" (written with Khidir Hamza), and has been a frequent contributor to periodicals ranging from Esquire, Vanity Fair, GQ and Playboy to The New Republic, The Nation and The Christian Science Monitor.

He also appears frequently on television and radio as an analyst on national security issues. Until late 2009, Stein worked at Congressional Quarterly, where he launched the online CQ/Homeland Security daily, served as national security editor and created SpyTalk.

Space for the Young Members-only event is limited. To reserve, e-mail name and member number to Ben Dooley at [email protected].

-- Ben Dooley, [email protected]