Wednesday night shows start with 'House of Cards' March 5

Starting March 5, enjoy the Club’s newest series of entertainment, NPCFlicks, every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Truman Lounge.

We will kick off the series with season one of "House of Cards," an Emmy–nominated political drama series from Netflix. NPC Flicks will feature one episode of the series per Wednesday evening through Season 2. Club members are welcome to attend with guests and dine in the Reliable Source.

So drop by the Truman Lounge next Wednesday to catch the first episode from season one and meet a conniving House majority whip (KevinSpacey) and his wife (Robin Wright) who, will stop at nothing to achieve their political goals.

No need to register, just drop by and enjoy the fun with other club members and their guests.

For more information contact Events Committee Chair JoanCoyle at [email protected].