A week left to get entries in to the National Press Club journalism contest

If you haven’t entered your best journalism in the National Press Club journalism contest, there is still a week to go.
Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the deadline has been extended to June 30. Awards for the best work published in 2019 in breaking news, political coverage, broadcast news, consumer news, online news, foreign coverage and news photos are among those being offered.
Many of the categories have cash prizes, and some offer a year of free Club membership. Details on the categories and the prizes are available online.
Entrants are encouraged to use the online-entry method, but if you prefer, the Club will accept entries mailed in the traditional way as long as they are postmarked before the deadline, which is now June 30. The entry fee is $75 for non-members and free for Club members.
The Club awards are intended to recognize the best in both traditional and newer forms of journalism. The competition offers journalists a chance to have their work recognized by the Club, one of the leading journalism organizations in the country for more than a century.
The awards in the contest go to winners in these categories:
    Breaking news (broadcast and print);
    Consumer journalism (newspapers, periodicals and broadcast);
    News photography;
    Arthur Rowse Award for Press Criticism; print and broadcast
    Washington regional reporting;
    Newsletter journalism;
    Joan M. Friedenberg Online Journalism Award;
    Michael Dornheim Award for coverage of defense, aerospace or the airline industry;
    Lee Walczak Award for Political Analysis;
    Ann Cottrell Free Animal Reporting Award, print and broadcast
    Angele Gingras Humor Award;
    Joseph D. Ryle Award for Excellence in Writing on the Problems of Geriatrics;
    Edwin M. Hood Award for Diplomatic Correspondence for coverage of diplomatic and foreign policy issues; print and broadcast
    Sandy Hume Memorial Award for Excellence in Political Journalism for reporters 34 years old and younger.
Again, the new deadline for entries is June 30. Plans are for the winners to be honored at an awards dinner at the Club late this summer. The date has not been set.