This Week in National Press Club History

March 14, 1963: Movie director Alfred Hitchcock tells a Press Club luncheon that his job is to “raise goose flesh” both domestically and internationally.

March 15, 1974: King Hussein of Jordan says a new political climate makes it a good time for Middle East peace.

March 18, 1908: A second meeting is held in the F Street Parlor of the Willard Hotel to organize the National Press Club.

March 18, 1992: Independent presidential candidate H. Ross Perot discusses his campaign.

This Week in National Press Club History is brought to you by the History and Heritage Committee, which is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing the Club’s history through displays, panel discussions and lectures, as well as interviewing members as part of the Club’s oral history project.

For more information on upcoming History and Heritage Committee-sponsored events, or to join the Committee, contact Bill Hickman at [email protected]