This Week in National Press Club History

March 8, 2005 : Actress Angelina Jolie speaks about her work as goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Refugee Agency.

March 10, 1954 : Former President Herbert Hoover, member of the National Press Club since 1921, makes his last appearance at the Club.

March 11, 1997 : President Bill Clinton receives his National Press Club membership card at a luncheon and advocates free television for political candidates.

March 12, 1908: The National Press Club is born with 32 journalists in attendance in a room lent by the Washington Chamber of Commerce, with a purse of $300, considered sufficient capital to start.

This Week in National Press Club history is brought to you by the History and Heritage Committee, which is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing the Club’s history through displays, panel discussions and lectures, as well as interviewing members as part of the Club’s long-standing oral history project.

For more information on upcoming History and Heritage Committee-sponsored events, or to join the Committee, contact Bill Hickman at [email protected].