This Week in National Press Club History

Oct. 6, 1999: South African leader Archbishop Desmond Tutu addresses a luncheon, describing “the miracle” of South Africa after apartheid and asks for more aid from the United States.

Oct. 7, 1994: Nelson Mandela, freed in 1990 after 27 years in prison, and newly elected president of the Republic of South Africa, speaks about the end of apartheid and the Republic’s future, in the biggest-attended luncheon of the year.

Oct. 9, 1973: Anthropologist Margaret Mead addresses the Club that women couldn’t do much worse than men as leaders.

This Week in National Press Club History is brought to you by the History Committee, which is dedicated to preserving, and revitalizing the Club’s history through displays, panel discussions and lectures, as well as interviewing members as part of the Club’s long-standing oral history project.

The History Committee meets at noon on the last Tuesday of the month. Our next meeting is Oct. 27. For more information on upcoming History Committee-sponsored events, or to join the History Committee, contact Marc Wojno at [email protected].