This Week in National Press Club History

Jan.18, 1961: President John F. Kennedy attends the inaugural of new Club
President John Cosgrove one week after his own.

Jan. 19, 2007: Bindi Irwin, 8-year-old daughter of naturalist Steve
Irwin, is the youngest person to address the Club following his tragic

Jan. 21, 2004: Sheila Cherry is sworn in as the Club's first African-American

Jan.22, 1997: Itzak Perlman plays his violin at a Press Club luncheon, and
says that the arts should not be looked at as "a frill."

This Week in National Press Club history is brought to you by the History
Committee, which is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing the Club's
history through displays, panel discussions and lectures, as well as
interviewing members as part of the oral history
project. For additional information on the Club's rich history, contact the
Club archives.

For more information on upcoming History Committee-sponsored events, or to
join the History Committee, contact Bill Hickman at [email protected].