This Week in National Press Club History

Jan. 31, 1910: President William Howard Taft is the first president to visit the Club, managing to climb the narrow stairs to the Club’s quarters over Affleck’s Drug Store.

Feb. 3, 1921: Senators and representatives participate in a “Jack Spratt” debate, “Resolved: that it is more noble to be fat than to be lean.”

Feb. 3, 1956: British Prime Minister Anthony Eden holds a press conference at the Club under tight security, but the BBC scoops the American press by broadcasting the live conference.

Feb. 6, 1978: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat reports to the Club after his talks with President Jimmy Carter at Camp David.

This Week in National Press Club history is brought to you by the History and Heritage Committee, which is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing the Club’s history through displays, panel discussions and lectures, as well as interviewing members as part of the Club’s oral history project. For additional information on the Club’s rich history, contact the Club’s archives.

For more information on upcoming History and Heritage Committee-sponsored events, or to join the Committee, contact Bill Hickman at [email protected]