This Week in National Press Club History

June 28, 1961: David Sarnoff, chairman of the board of RCA and founder of NBC, speaks on the future of space communications. He telegraphs a message on the ancient telegraph key that flashed news of Woodrow Wilson’s 1912 victory at the Democratic convention.

June 28, 2006: The National Press Club is invaded by “toons” at its Nickelodeon TV characters luncheon.

June 29, 1964: The National Press Club votes 128 to 50 to permit women reporters to sit with men in the ballroom while covering luncheons.

June 30, 1919: Prohibition begins at midnight, and the Club sells its beers and fine liquors to members for little to nothing.

This Week in National Press Club History is produced by the History and Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club’s history through displays, panel discussions, lectures and the oral history project.

For more information on History and Heritage Committee-sponsored events or to join the committee, contact Bill Hickman at [email protected] .

-- Elizabeth Smith Brownstein, [email protected]