This week In National Press Club history

January 26, 1938: Eleanor Roosevelt becomes a member of the Women's
National Press Club, eligible as writer of the syndicated news column "My
Day." Limiting her news-making press conferences only to female reporters
leads to the hiring of women by then male-only news bureaus.

January 24, 1972
: Gloria Steinem, editor of Ms. Magazine,
tells a National Press Club luncheon that women still are not taken
seriously, and women in business are unlikely to be put in positions of
authority over men.

January 26, 2013: The National Press Club inaugurates Angela Greiling Keane of Bloomberg News as its 106th president.

This Week In National Press Club History is brought to you by the History and
Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club's hundred-plus
year history through lobby displays, events, panel discussions and its oral
history project.

For information on the activities of the Committee, or to join the
Committee, contact Gilbert Klein at [email protected].