This week in National Press Club history

February 10, 1945: The famous photograph of Hollywood starlet Lauren Bacall perched on top of the piano while serenaded by Vice President Harry Truman is taken in the Club’s 14th floor lounge. It’s there today.

February 10, 1982: Vivian Vahlberg of the Daily Oklahoman becomes the first woman president of the National Press Club, and is sworn in by President Ronald Reagan. Ten women have succeeded her in that position.

February 13, 1936: United Press reporter Webb Miller becomes the first journalist invited to speak at a NPC luncheon.

February 13, 1973: Redskins head coach George Allen speaks at a National Press Club luncheon a month after the team’s loss at Super Bowl VII. In his first two seasons, he had re-established the team’s competitiveness after a 20-year losing streak.

February 14, 1912: Magician and escape artist Harry Houdini appears at the National Press Club.

This Week In National Press Club History is brought to you by the History & Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club’s exciting century-plus history through lobby displays, events, panel discussions, and its oral history project.

For more information on the Committee’s activities or to join it, contact Chair Gilbert Klein at [email protected].