This Week in Press Club History: Club, Haitian ambassador weather blizzard to deliver news

Feb. 11, 2010: Haitian Ambassador Raymond Joseph gives a press conference at the National Press Club during a blizzard that shuts down the U.S. government and other facilities, the third major snow storm of the winter of 2009-2010, including the infamous “Snowmageddon” just a week earlier. President Alan Bjerga says that remaining open is an example of how the National Press Club fulfills its professional commitments. “We showed we were a can-do Club, even in the midst of a major blizzard.”

This Week In National Press Club History is brought to you by the History & Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club’s distinguished history through lobby displays, events, panel discussions, and its oral history project.

For more information on the Committee and its activities, or to join the Committee, contact past president Gilbert Klein at [email protected].

You can explore more National Press Club history at the NPC website.

Compiled by Elizabeth Smith Brownstein with material from the Club’s archives, The Wire, and Reliable Sources: 100 years at the National Press Club.