Welcome new members

Please extend a warm welcome to the Club’s newest members:

David Borowski (Arlington Catholic Herald), Joshua Bernstein (Al Jazeera International), Rick Khosla (Diverse CEO), Yousef Al-Tattan (Kuwait News Agency), Marcus Stern (Thomson Reuters), Bruce Barker (Voice of America), Michael Max (non-fiction author)

Franklin Augustin Hedberg (Time Inc.), Jason Hartman (Veritas News LLC), Stuart Symington (Curiosity Media), Lindsay Rajt (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Shauna Theel (American Wind Energy Association), Daria Hall (America’s Promise Alliance)

Sean Astin (Lava Entertainment), John Pallasigue (Sunertech Corp.), Jenelle Burns (USAID), Keifer Gonzales (USAID), Ben Singleton (Hood College student).