Welcome new members

Please extend a warm National Press Club welcome to the following new members who joined in May:

Romaine Bostick (Bloomberg News), Jeff St. Onge (Bloomberg News), Lauren Bellero (SNL Financial), Ethan Bratton (SNL Financial), Nate Jones (Unredacted), Irena Krasteva (New Bulgarian Media Group), Shahryar Rizvi (freelance), Roger Parkinson (Globe and Mail),

Stephanie Dahle (The Center for Middle East Policy), Patrick Hillmann (Levick), Adam Kostecki (Thales USA), Joshua Learn (The Wildlife Society), Keith Miccio (Metro Systems Inc.), Ericka Reyes (Hill & Knowlton Strategies),

James Cartledge (World Affairs Council), Ariel King (Ariel Consulting International), Harry Hakuei Kosato (La Ditta Limited), Rachel Linden (GMO Free News),

Jeffrey Busch (Safe Blood International Foundation), Go Eguchi (Mitsubishi Corporation), Edie Fraser (Stemconnector), FrannMarie Jacinto (self-employed), Bruce McClary (National Foundation For Credit Counseling), Elisabeth Lee Rennie (Harvard University), Brooke Harding (MacFadden).