Whistleblowers, disinformation experts share behind-the-scenes look at 'dark PR' at Communicators Team virtual event

The National Press Club Communicators Committee invites you to join the first in a series of conversations on disinformation and how we can address it as journalists and communicators. The live Zoom event is Wednesday, Sept. 30, at noon to 1:15 PM.

Registration for National Press Club members is free. $15 for the general public. 

Learn how disinformation campaigns are planned and executed, who’s is doing it, and how to identify disinformation and protect your businesses, causes, and the public.

The panel plans to provide a behind-the-scenes look at disinformation and “dark PR,” the consultants and firms that will, for a price, deliberately mislead the public. We expect to hear from whistleblowers from Cambridge Analytica and the health-insurance industry, a leading disinformation investigative journalist, and a propaganda researcher and author.

Speakers for the Sept. 30th panel: 

  • Emma Briant, visiting research associate in human rights at Bard College and author of Propaganda Machine: Inside Cambridge Analytica and the Digital Influence Industry
  • Brittany Kaiser, co-founder of Own Your Data Foundation and Cambridge Analytica whistleblower
  • Wendell Potter, former health-insurance communications executive, whistleblower and author of Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans
  • Craig Silverman, media editor of BuzzFeed, and an award-winning journalist, author, and leading expert on disinformation and fake news.

A second panel discussion is scheduled to take place in October, to look for solutions from leaders in the battle against disinformation.