WW II veteran, 100, to address American Legion Post 20 on battles after Midway, Sept. 18

Retired Navy Capt. Jack Crawford, a World War II Battle of Midway veteran, will be guest of honor and speaker at a luncheon meeting of the National Press Club's American Legion Post 20 at noon Wednesday, Sept. 18, in the McClendon Room.

The speaker portion of the meeting is open to all Club members.

It will be Capt. Crawford's second appearance before Post 20. In July 2017, he discussed his Battle of Midway experience on the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown. While he will reprise some of his Midway recollections, he will mainly discuss his WW II duties after Midway.

Post 20, which is marking its 100th anniversary this year, will also celebrate Capt. Crawford's centennial. Post members and guests will join in commemorating his 100th birthday. He was born on Sept. 1, 1919.

He served on the escort carrier USS Santee, which took part in the invasion of North Africa and chased German submarines in the Atlantic. He was then assigned to the light cruiser USS Brooklyn in the Mediterranean, which provided gunfire support for U.S. amphibious landings at Anzio and other locations.

Following the war Capt. Crawford spent most of his Navy career in the nuclear propulsion program, working closely with famed, colorful Adm. Hyman Rickover. He will have some anecdotes about what it was like working for Adm. Rickover.

After retiring from the Navy, Capt. Crawford went on to have second career in the nuclear power field, including service with the Atomic Energy Commission. He spent more than 50 years in military and civilian service to his country.

Post 20 received its American Legion charter on Nov. 19, 1919. It was founded at the suggestion of the storied WW I Gen. John "Black Jack" Pershing. Gen. Pershing was serving in Washington after the war and was an associate member of the Club.