Yahoo! seeking senior foreign policy writer

Yahoo! is looking for a seasoned news writer to help manage and occasionally to contribute daily coverage to the Yahoo News blogs which may include the following: 1) The Ticket (politics), The Lookout (national affairs), The Cutline (media), and The Envoy (foreign affairs). This person will work closely with reporters in the Blog Network to define targets of coverage, ranging from national politics and political campaigns to major foreign-policy debates to media and culture coverage to economic and social policy debates.

The ideal candidate will have at least five years’ experience in writing/reporting. He or she should also be conversant in the finer points of digital journalism, as well as with the broader social-media world. He or she should also extensive online media experience (blog experience preferred), and be plugged into the online journalism world. The ideal candidate should also manage and execute key crowdsourcing and multimedia projects across the Yahoo News blog platforms.
* Providing daily content to the Yahoo! News blogs, as assigned.
* Jointly managing coverage strategy with Editor and Deputy Editor of the Blog Network
* Monitoring Yahoo! and the Web at-large for story and source material
* Building out the profile of the Yahoo News blogs within the broader blogosphere
* Coordinating coverage of major events (those related to politics, national affairs, media, and/or foreign affairs, as assigned) with blog Editors and Front Page production team

Minimum Requirements:
* Five-plus years experience in journalism focused on politics, national affairs, media, and/or foreign affairs
* Exceptional editting skills and attention to detail
* Strong grammar and communication skills and command of language
* Familiarity with SEO, RSS, Twitter, Facebook and other social media
* Basic HTML and Photoshop skills, experience with blog publishing and content management systems