Young members host digital video boot camp

The Young Members Team at the National Press Club held a boot camp June 9 in the Bloomberg Room that trained about a dozen journalist and communicator members on digital video production and videography.

The day-long event kicked off with Newsy Supervising Producer Zach Toombs and Investigative Reporter Kate Grumke providing examples of the different types of digital videos that are available on social media sites and video-on-demand streaming services. The two instructors, both Club members, explained the difference between documentaries, explainer videos and videos designed for social media, and when each are appropriate and effective.

After a working lunch, Grumke and Newsy Videographer Kyle Pyatt taught students about basics of videography and camera equipment including how to properly light subjects, ensure good audio quality and rules of photography. In concluding the event, the instructors answered questions about digital video and videography as well as gave their professional insight to students interested in delving into digital video production.