Member News

Catch GOP debate tonight at Reliable Source

February 25, 2016

Size up the Republican presidential candidates who have survived so far while watching tonight's debate at the Reliable Source in the Truman Lounge beginning at 8 p.m. Observe the combat on wide-screen televisions while enjoying special food and beverage items for the occasion. For reservations,…

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Did you know? Join Club's members-only group on LinkedIn

February 25, 2016

Did you know the Club has an exclusive members only group on LinkedIn? Join Members of the National Press Club (Washington, D.C) on LinkedIn to network with fellow members, share ideas and tips, discuss the latest industry news and trends and find out about upcoming events at the Club and around…

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Did you know? Update your Club Membership Directory entry

February 22, 2016

Did you know the National Press Club has an online membership directory? Members can find general contact information for fellow members by visiting the online director. We encourage all members to review and update your directory. Please include a photo, a bio and social-media links. You will be…

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Club member offers invitation to Abrahamic discussion series, 6:30 pm Feb. 25

February 22, 2016

Club member Mehmet Saracoglu invites National Press Club members to Rumi Forum`s Abrahamic Discussion Series on “Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees and Immigrants in our Midst” at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25, at the American Turkish Friendship Association, 3949 University Drive, Fairfax, Va. The…

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Bring your ideas to the International Correspondents happy hour Feb. 24

February 19, 2016

The International Correspondents' Committee invites foreign correspondents and interested members to an informal happy hour at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday Feb. 24 in the Truman Lounge of the Reliable Source bar on the 14th floor. Committee chairs Rachel Oswald and Tyler Crowe have a lot of ideas for…

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Burr articulates his agenda as NPC president on Update-1

February 18, 2016

For the latest Update-1 podcast, newly inaugurated National Press Club President Tommy Burr talks to Broadcast Committee member Shannon Fisher about the most important issues facing journalists today and his plan to keep the National Press Club in the forefront of those concerns. Burr recounts…

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Job listing: news agency in Press Building seeks secretary

February 17, 2016

A Washington-based news-wire agency is looking for a secretary with experience in a small office environment able to handle minor financial responsibilities such as writing checks, making small purchases, creating monthly expenses report, bank reconciling bank statements and other tasks. Also needs…

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Chapman describes his career encounters with Truman, Kennedy, Reagan, Hirohito

February 17, 2016

Irv Chapman, a National Press Club member since October 1961, entertained the Club's Broadcast Committee members earlier this month with tales of his "most memorable" characters during his time as a broadcast journalist. His Club biography details the stops along the way: Irv Chapman's first…

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Tonight's the night to watch the GOP Town Hall in the Truman Lounge and so is tomorrow night

February 17, 2016

The Reliable Source will host the GOP Town Hall debate in the Truman Lounge on the wide screen directly from South Carolina tonight and tomorrow at 8 p.m. Special food and drink will be available: Carolina Pimento Cheese spread $10.50With vegetables, crackers and bagel chips(this is a plate for…

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Books & Brunch to discuss "The Wright Brothers" by David McCullough Feb. 20

February 16, 2016

The Books & Brunch group will meet at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20 to discuss “The Wright Brothers" by David McCullough. Books & Brunch discussions are for all Natiional Press Club members and guests. The meetings are book discussions, not meetings with authors. The separate Books &…

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