Member News

Job openings: Pew offers communicator jobs in health, conservation

June 28, 2020

The Pew Charitable Trusts has job openings for an experienced mid-career communications officer to work on their environmental science portfolio and an early career senior associate position to work on public health issues. The communications officer position would report to a director of…

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Club's indie authors to learn benefits of beta readers, July 9

June 28, 2020

The National Press Club's informal group of independent authors will concentrate on beta readers at its next meeting, Thursday, July 9, at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. The special guest speaker will be Sandra Beckwith, owner of  She is an author and national award-winning former publicist…

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Club establishes fund to support furloughed staff

June 26, 2020

The National Press Club has created a fund to help staff members who have been furloughed due to a slowdown in business operations caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Donations can be made to the NPC Staff Support Fund. The money collected will be converted into gift cards that can be used to buy…

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Ted Rowse, NPC press criticism 'minuteman,' authors NY Times op-ed as he turns 100

June 24, 2020

Ted Rowse as a young reporter and as National Press Club centenarian today.   Arthur E. (Ted) Rowse, a native of Lexington, Mass., is the minuteman of press criticism at the National Press Club. In 1996, Rowse established an award in his name in the Club’s annual Journalism Contest to…

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National Press Club in History: YOU are making history!

June 24, 2020

May you live in interesting times. That old ironic curse is never more relevant than in the year 2020. Of course, journalists thrive in “interesting times,” but the first six months of this year have been remarkable. Since the Club suspended in-service activities March 16, we have not had a…

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Photo Committee to feature next generation news photographers, July 1

June 21, 2020

At its next meeting, the National Press Club's Photography Committee will hear from two early-career, yet award-winning photojournalists. The virtual event happens at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 1, and is open to all Club members, with free advance online registration requested. The July 1 virtual…

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AWWNM postpones June 24 event to September

June 19, 2020

The noon June 24 meeting in the McLendon Room of the National Press Club's Reliable Source, featuring scholar Mary Jo Binker speaking on the journalistic writings of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, is postponed to noon on Sept. 23. The event is sponsored by the eight-year old nonprofit American Women…

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Back again! Virtual Pub Quiz set for Thursday, June 18, 7 p.m.

June 16, 2020

You know the expression “third time’s a charm?” Well, the National Press Club’s third Virtual Pub Quiz – set for June 18 at 7 p.m. is sure to be one heck of an appealing shindig of online trivia and social levity, all from the comfort (or confines) of your home. Although the world is still social…

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Space program broadcaster calls Dragon spacecraft 'natural follow on to Apollo'

June 5, 2020

Retired space program broadcast coverage veteran Jim Slade called the new Dragon spacecraft launch of American astronauts "a natural follow on to Apollo." Slade told the National Press Club Broadcast/Podcast Team members Thursday that the SpaceX manned launch to the International Space Station, the…

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Nonfiction Authors Association CEO to address Club's indie authors June 11

June 4, 2020

The club's informal group of independent authors will get an insider's view of the publishing world on Thursday, June 11, when it hears from Stephanie Chandler, CEO of the Nonfiction Authors Association. The meeting takes place via Zoom beginning at 9:30 a.m. Chandler is the author of several books…

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