Member News

Show us your photos of work, life under COVID-19

March 27, 2020

Visitors stroll to the Jefferson Memorial on March 20. Photo: Alan Kotok While the COVID-19 pandemic enormously disrupts the lives of National Press Club members and staff, along with most everyone else worldwide where the virus reaches, the Club's Photography Team is asking members to help…

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Club Legion member Stucky's images enliven local office

March 27, 2020

Jim Oxford, National Commander of the American Legion, commended the director of the organization's D.C. headquarters on newly installed photographs decorating the offices during a visit last month.   The director explained that all were taken by a National Press Club member who is also a  Navy…

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Black bean soup warms the soul, even if you lack ingredients

March 27, 2020

The days keep alternating from sunny with the promise of tulips to rainy, raw and gray during which the collective self-quarantine demands a trashy mystery, a fireplace or some soothing soup.  Black bean soup is a perennial favorite. But you’re stuck at home with a pantry and some…

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Follow breadcrumbs to a delicious meal

March 25, 2020

Stories over the ages have been told about breadcrumbs -- following a trail; feeding mynah birds, evading the evil witch in the forest. This is not one of those stories. Those who cook, professionally, for a family or for themselves often fall back on the same-old-same-old way to cook certain…

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2020 Book Bracket: What title is bound for No. 1?

March 25, 2020

    Woodward and Bernstein’s All the President’s Men is an early fan favorite in the inaugural 2020 Book Bracket, organized by the National Press Club Journalism Institute.   The Institute is taking suggestions for the best - and your favorite - journalism books through Friday, March 27. Missing…

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Missing March Madness? Try a new chapter

March 23, 2020

Right about now you would have been immersed in updating your NCAA Tournament brackets. Your email inbox would have been flooded with news about March Madness upsets. Sadly, it was not to be.  But don’t despair. We have our own drive for a Final Four. Call it Book Brackets. We want you to submit a…

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Events Team plans programming with focus on fall

March 23, 2020

Although the National Press Club is closed for events for what Club team leaders and staff members hope is a short period, the Events Team is continuing to work toward building programming for when the crisis subsides.  “We had some really fun events lined up but we are rescheduling them for later…

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Signature brownies can spread delight

March 20, 2020

You are tucked within four walls and keeping six feet away from the closest of friends.  But take heart, hopeful signs abound.   The forsythia is an impossible yellow. The peach tree is in bloom, and daffodils are waking up the garden. Create a similar pleasure with signature brownies. Some loved…

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Help Club share your stories of distancing, virus coverage

March 20, 2020

National Press Club operations in our physical facility may be suspended, but our community is always open.  During this period of social distancing, we want to hear from you, our members.  Connect with us on our social platforms and let us know how you’re doing. Tag us on Twitter, Instagram and…

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