Member News

Did you know the Club has a full-time trainer to help you for free?

August 28, 2013

Did you know that the Club has a full-time, professional trainer to help you with your fitness needs? Terry Davis is available to assist you with all the equipment featured in the Fitness Center and will design your own personal workout plan. The best part is Terry’s services and expertise are…

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Club member helps Myanmar rewrite constitution, move toward press freedom

August 28, 2013

“Three Piglets Born with Physical Deformity,” reads a headline in the government-owned New Light of Myanmar newspaper. The English-language newspaper’s motto is “The most reliable newspaper around you,’” said former Pulitzer Prize winning White House reporter and National Press Club member Jim…

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Club now free of long-term debt

August 28, 2013

The National Press Club finished paying off its long-term debt in July, marking the first time the Club is operating without such obligations since 2004. The absence of debt payments, which over the last three years averaged about $45,000 per month and $540,000 per year, means the Club will be able…

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This week In National Press Club history

August 25, 2013

August 26, 1963: Two days before the March On Washington for Jobs and Freedom, A. Philip Randolph, chief march organizer and founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, briefs reporters on the march’s goals at a National Press Club luncheon. The current display in the Club lobby honors the…

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Dunham trades 24/7 news cycle for academia in China

August 25, 2013

As he sets off on his new professional adventure in international academia after Labor Day, Rick Dunham will miss the crab cakes at the National Press Club, Burma restaurant in Washington’s Chinatown and his wife Pam, who will remain at her job with the Washington Post — not particularly in that…

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Free admission for Gallo play at Kennedy Center, Aug. 31

August 23, 2013

Anthony Gallo's play, "Eugenio," will be performed at the Kennedy Center's Page-to-Stage Festival Saturday, Aug. 31 at 1 p.m. in Rehearsal Hall 2. Admission is free. This two-act drama examines forgiveness amidst three conversions. Chief Rabbi Zolli loses faith following the apparent slaughter of…

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Freelance committee meeting, Sept. 6

August 23, 2013

The Freelance Committee is revving up for some awesome activities over the next few months, including another Freelance Workshop. We need your input to make them as useful, relevant and fun as possible. Please join us at our next committee meeting, Sept. 6, noon to 1 p.m. in the McClendon Room at…

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Did you know: NPC’s annual Beat the Deadline 5K on Sept. 7

August 23, 2013

Did you know that the Club hosts a number of special events for our members? Our next event will be the NPC’s 16th annual Beat the Deadline 5K on Sept. 7. It’s time to lace up your shoes and join Washington-area media, celebrities, elite runners and weekend walkers. To register to run or walk,…

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Members-only discount for Media Rise festival

August 18, 2013

National Press Club members are eligible for a 10 percent discount to the 2013 Media Rise Festival. The weeklong series of events in Washington, D.C. celebrates how storytelling, design, art and media can contribute to a peaceful, just and sustainable world. Events include networking lounges, “…

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Memorial service for NPC member Chris Battle set for Aug. 23 in Alexandria

August 15, 2013

A memorial service for National Press Club member Chris Battle will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 23 at Grace Episcopal Church, 3601 Russell Road, Alexandria, Va. Battle, a public relations innovator, former newspaper editorial writer, and an accomplished political spokesman, died Aug. 8 after a…

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